kejap jer rase 1 st year nie.. lg sebulan, dh nk final exam.. cepat jer masa berlalu~ kan? ap yg ak nk ckp kat cni.. masing2 tgh struggle utk final exam.. mula2. ak rasa mcm xsemangat lepas. ak tgk result ak yg bg ak agak trok laa.. huhu.. tp ak redha jer, sbb Allah tu baik, Dia akn bg ap yg hmba Dia berusaha.. so, kita as a hmba Nya, perlu bersyukur skmo ngn ap yg Allah bg kat kita.. kan?? terlalu bnyak nikmat yg Allah bg, hehe.. berceramah plak ak kat cni.. haa,, n then, paling ak ase down sgt, bila ak taw, markah biochem ak nie, include dlm the lagging student, i'm so frustated at that tyme, but... after, i met the Dr Norhan, she gives us the student who lagging in the exam.. a motivation, sgt mnusuk hati.. dan alhamdulillah, ak dapat semangat dari dia.. yer ak thu, ak mmg xmnat biochem, tp to be a good doctor in Shaa Allah, i must put more effort in my study.. so, from now on, i'll try put more effort in my study.. at least, bila dapat result yg x cemerlang sangat pon, kita x kan rasa kecewa, sbb kita thu, kita dah buat sehabis baik!
so, nasuha! keep go on how ur study now!!! give more effort... because, u not like other friend, who as clever, genius, and good in studying.. so.. u as a normal n biase2 jer.. nk kata xpandai, alkalamu du'a.. so,, ak kata ak biase jelaa bndingn ngn org lain.. haha.. kmu kna kuat utk tros study!
and the most important is!!! please not be studying bcoz of EXAM!!! come on tajdid ur niat k.. as always ayah said, belajar krna ap?? krna nk dpatkan RAHMAT ALLAH!!!
In Shaa Allah, mak ayah, n adik2 syg sekalin.. i'll try the best to make ur guys proud n smile with my result..
4 my adik2.. i'll try to be good Qudwah utk korg, bia pon, actually, korg is more better than me!
In Shaa Allah, mga Allah permudahkan urusan ak!